Confessions of a Bath Bomb Addict
I knew that I had a bath bomb addiction when I was sitting at my desk at work one day and all I could think about was which scent of bath bomb I was going to pop in my tub after work. Was it a Mint Eucalyptus kind of day, or did I need to escape to my own island vacation with Tropical Breeze? Or perhaps today is a Crazy Love day because those beautiful, purple waters are always instagramable and the perfect background to display the ring I’ll find inside. I mentally cycled through the ten or twelve bath bombs that I had waiting for me and it was then I realized: not only had I accidentally started a collection of these little spa days in a box, but I was daydreaming about them. So, I did what any girl does when she realizes she has an obsession--I wrote a blog about it. Here are 5 reasons why I’m (proudly) addicted to bath bombs.
1. Skin Care

2. Aroma Therapy
Not only are bath bombs good for your skin, but their scents are absolutely transporting. Each bomb is packed with a fragrance that can soothe, relax, invigorate, or re-energize you. There are immense benefits to aromatherapy, some of which include alleviating headaches, inducing sleep, strengthening your immune system, reducing muscle pain, boosting energy, and relieving anxiety. One of my personal favorite tricks is to use this Lavender Dream bath bomb a half hour before bed because the warm water relaxes my muscles and the floral, earthy scent lingers long enough on my skin that I can still smell it as I’m falling asleep and it helps me to effortlessly slip into dreamland. And move over morning showers, morning baths are a great way to help you wake up and smell pleasant and clean for the rest of the day. The sister bomb to Lavender Dream is Citrus Sunrise which I use if I can spare the time before work to start my day. Hot tip: there’s no such thing as waking up on the wrong side of the bed if you dip into a citrusy-sweet bath right afterwards.
3. Ring Collections
Look, I started this list with two health benefits because wellbeing is important, but let’s be honest, the ring collection is where it’s at and I could hardly wait until point #3 to tell you about it! Some of you might be saying, “Rings? In Bath Bombs?” to which I say, “Absolutely!” I’m sure I haven’t been very subtle about ST being my favorite company, but to praise them even further, every single one of their bath bombs contains a ring enclosed in a pod that floats in the water once the bath bomb has dissolved. Aside from the band and jewel designs being original and stunning, this also adds an element of surprise and anticipation, like a bonus treat at the end of your luxurious bath. Then, as if they haven’t spoiled you enough, enclosed with the ring is also a code you can enter on their website to see if you’ve won an additional ring worth up to $100, $1K, $2K, $5K, or $10K and before you go oh, no one wins a $10K ring--it has already happened!
4. Bath Art
We already know you’re going to Instagram that Bath Bomb, it’s okay, we’re all friends here. I do it, too. My philosophy is go big or go home--post that spectacular, colorful, swirling foam and immortalize that bath that made you feel like a goddess. #Bathart is an easy tag to lose hours in on social media while ogling the brightly colored waters that seem like they’re straight out of a dream. If you’re looking for a fairytale-like show, ST’s Ever After Bath Bomb is dipped in a bluish green mica (a natural glitter that’s good for the environment) and also has embeds of blue and pink pigment that twirl and mix until you’re left with a slightly shimmery lavender bath. Consider joining the Bath Art Community by tagging your photos online. I’m personally obsessed with what the fans have named “Bath Cocktails” for which you take two different bath bombs like Honey and Vanilla and dissolve them together to invent a Honey-Vanilla mix that you can name whatever you want (I’ve named that one The Sweet Bee).
5. Gifting
So, there it is, I’ve laid it all out on the table, now you know why I’m addicted to bath bombs. With their skin nourishing oils, scent, rings, beauty, and giftable nature, I’m not far from joining a sharing circle at Bath Bomb Addicts Anonymous. I’m so happy that these little spheres of joy have come into my life and I can honestly say my skin health and overall happiness have improved because of it. And there’s something about that childlike giddiness I get from waiting for my ring to pop up in my bath that I wouldn’t trade for anything. So, I say to my fellow bath bomb lovers, I applaud you for prioritizing self-care and treating yourself because you deserve it. And to those who have never experienced a bath bomb before...perhaps this blog has convinced you to give them a try!